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Blog Hosting For Screenwriters and Filmmakers


  Blogs for Screenwriters and Filmmakers

Scriptologist Blogs is a unique blogging network dedicated to helping filmmakers, screenwriters, and movie fans promote themselves. When you sign up to become a blog author in our network, you will gain access to a great selection of Web authoring tools. These tools will help you create a complete blog site. Don't wait! Join Scriptologist Blogs today!


Instant Publishing
 Instant Publishing:
You can publish new postings to your blog quickly.

31 Default Templates 31 Default Templates: Determine the design your blog by choosing from over 25 templates.

Subdomain URLs Subdomain URLs: The URL of your blog will resemble the following:

WYSIWYG Entry Composer
 WYSIWYG Entry Composer: Use our built-in WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get)
     editor to add content to your blog. You don't have to know HTML. Simply use the WYSIWYG
     editor to to customize the look of your blog entries.

 "Friends Only" Entries: Blog authors can post "friends only" entries that are only visible to users
     who have been added to the author's friends list.

Commenting Commenting: The commenting feature enables blog users to post comments on each other's blog
     entries. The author of the blog can determine whether someone can post comments on his blog.
     Comments can include a link to the commenter's profile and avatar.

Avatars Avatars: You can upload small icons to the author profile you display on your blog. This enables you
     to personalize your blog and build trust with your audience.

Mailing Lists Mailing Lists: This powerful mailing list feature enables you to automatically notify friends, family, and
     colleagues every time you post a new message on your blog.

RSS Feeds RSS Feeds: As a blog author, you can publish your daily blog postings with RSS (Really Simple
    Syndication). Through the power of RSS, you can syndicate your blog content. Web surfers will be
    able to subscribe to your syndicated content, or feeds, through RSS readers. RSS readers are software
    programs that can translate feeds into readable text. Other Web authors will be able to display the
    content of your feeds on their Web sites.

Preview Comments/Entries  Preview Comments/Entries: Click on the preview button on your blog to see what your blog entry
     or comment will look like before being published.

Customizable Templates  Customizable Templates: You can personalize your blog template by editing the template code.You
     can also create your own blog template.

Permanent Links Permanent Links: Every time you post information to your blog, that posting is assigned a
     unique, permanent link. This link helps search engines index your blog. It also helps readers link to your
     blog postings.

Customizable Entry Date/Time  Customizable Entry Date/Time: You can choose the way in which time and date entries are

Timezone Support: Timezone Support: You can change the timezone setting after logging into your account.

Draft Entries Draft Entries: You can create different drafts of blog postings and save them to your account without
     publishing them.

Interests Keywords  Interests Keywords: List your interests on your profile. This list can help you find other users who
     have the same interests.

Support Support: Please use our blog template guide, FAQ section, and contact form for assistance with your
     blog. The template guide shows you how to change your templates. This guide also provides you with a
     list of template variables and their uses. The FAQ section contains answers to frequently asked
     questions. The contact form enables you to contact us for help with specific issues.

File Uploads File Uploads: As a blog author in the Scriptologist Blogs network, you can access photos and files
     pages, create folders, and upload images or other files to your blog.

File uploads Directory Listing: Submit your blog to the Scriptologist Blogs Directory to promote your blog site.

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