Miscellaneous Tips.....
Writing A Low-Budget Script Before developing a story concept into a feature-length screenplay, an aspiring screenwriter should consider what the cost of producing that script might be. Read more...
Writing A Screenplay About A Person Wrongly Imprisoned
True stories abound about innocent people convicted of crimes and sent to prison for years or even a
lifetime. Sometimes evidence is uncovered revealing the real criminal, or convictions are overturned when new evidence proves the innocence of the person wrongly imprisoned. Read more...
Writing A Script About Cultural Opposites
In many riveting films, characters clash with each other because they come from different cultures. Read more...
Writing A Script Treatment
It is useful to write a script treatment before writing a screenplay. The treatment provides a rough overview of the screenplay and is stylistically similar to a short story. Read more...
Writing Sequel-Oriented Screenplays A screenwriter must give his screenplay an open-ended resolution
in order to write sequels to that script. In this
type of resolution, only the main conflict is resolved. The long-term conflict remains unresolved. Read more...
You Are What You Write: Self-Motivation For Writers
I love this quote by Virginia Woolf: "Every secret of a writer's soul, every experience of his life, every quality of
his mind is written large in his works..."