A Conversation with Elaine Bossik, Author of The Last Victim
Scriptologist.com spoke with Elaine Bossik about her new novel, The Last Victim. Scriptologist.com (Q): Where did the idea for The Last Victim come from?
Elaine Bossik (EB): I was in a writing workshop where writers share their writing and offer critiques and suggestions. I wrote what I thought was a short story, but it was really a
vignette. The group encouraged me to continue the story and develop the characters. This vignette turned out to be the first chapter of my novel. Read more....
The Evolution of Film: An Interview With Peter Bradley Thanks to the Internet, independent filmmakers can now chart their own course for
success. They can easily communicate with large audiences through social networking sites. These audiences often promote films through word of mouth.
There is, however, another element that can determine whether an independent filmmaker will succeed—distribution. Azureus Inc., a quickly growing media company, solves the problem of obtaining
affordable film distribution.

How To Succeed In Hollywood: An Interview With Screenwriter Chris Soth While still in college, Chris Soth wrote and sold a spec screenplay. That screenplay was
made into the hit action-adventure film, Firestorm, and he made over a million dollars in the film industry.
Chris achieved success early in his career by mastering the art and business of screenwriting. He can
structure screenplays effortlessly and pitch them to producers in exciting, visual ways.
An Interview With Literary Agent Caren Bohrman
Scriptologist.com recently spoke with Caren Bohrman, one of the most successful and experienced
literary agents in the film industry. Her career spans over two decades, and she has helped bring many films from script to screen.
Bohrman gives personal attention to the screenwriters she represents. She spends time getting to know
them and their work. This enables her to match screenplays with producers who are seeking scripts for production. Read more...

How MGM Chooses A Script: An Interview With Studio Insider Stephanie Palmer
As Director of Creative Affairs for MGM Pictures, Stephanie Palmer has helped bring high-profile films from script to screen. Her projects have included Legally Blonde, Agent
Cody Banks 2, and Sleepover.
She's currently overseeing the production of two films: Be Cool and Blood and Chocolate. Be Cool is the sequel to the comedy,
Get Shorty. Blood and Chocolate is a romance/horror film written by Ehren Kruger, writer of the screenplay for The Brothers Grimm, The Ring 2, and Skeleton Key.

How To Sell Your Screenplay: An Interview With Film Insider Laurie Scheer Laurie Scheer is a professional script consultant who has worked as a high-level
development executive and producer for companies such as Viacom and Showtime, as well as for leading actresses like Meg Ryan.
Laurie knows what producers are looking for and how to pitch screenplays to them. She's a true
Hollywood insider who has worked in high-level positions involving the production of network TV and cable TV films, and feature films. She has supervised the development process that brings a script to the