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Elaine Bossik
(Note: Elaine Bossik writes articles for under the pen name, Elaine Radford)
Elaine's novel "The Last Victim," has just been published as a paperback, and you can view it HERE!

Screenplay Formatting.....

How to Format a Screenplay
You've plotted your story, developed your characters, and written a scene-by-scene outline of your story. Now you're ready to write it in professional screenplay format. Read more...

How to Format a Screenplay: Part II
This is the answer key for the exercise in the previous formatting article. The answer key shows you how the descriptions and dialogue can be displayed when using the rules of screenplay formatting. Read more...

How to Format a Screenplay: Part III (Scene Transitions)
Scene transitions in a screenplay indicate changes from one setting to a new setting, or from one time frame to a different time frame. Read more...

How To Format A Screenplay: Establishing Time And Place 
It's important to establish the time and place of your story in the opening scene of your screenplay. Doing so gives the audience the geographic location and era in which the story takes place. Read more...

How To Format Dialogue In Different Situations 
Sometimes dialogue in a screenplay doesn't involve one character speaking to another character face to face. Instead, there might be off-screen dialoguetelephone dialogue, or voice-over narrationRead more...

How To Format Flashbacks In A Screenplay
The purpose of flashbacks in a screenplay is to give the audience information that is needed to move the story forward and to clarify the actions of the characters. They should only be used when absolutely necessary. Read more...

Screenwriting Exercises .....

How to Create Real-Life Dialogue: A Step-by-Step Guide Read The Full Article For Only $5
Creating a story is the first step in writing a screenplay, and it's probably the easiest part of the entire process. Bringing characters to life and writing dialogue that's true to their personalities as well as dramatic is not as simple. It takes practice. There are skills and techniques that everyone can learn. With a little practice, you can begin writing dialogue that breathes life into your characters and your story. Read more... 

How To Write A Screenplay From Your Personal Life Experiences: A Step-by-Step Guide  Read The Full Article For Only $5
You can create a screenplay from your life experiences. You don't have to be famous or exceptional to have a story worth telling. With a few easy-to-use guidelines, it's possible to dramatize real-life events and turn your personal experiences into an award-winning script. Read more...


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